A story that will be likened to Nollywood story line happened in Aba Saturday 18th June 2022. One Prince Innocent Ukaumunna who goes by the sobriquet JahPriest a realtor whose office is at No 7 Factory Road Aba on the 3rd floor of the 4-Storey Office Complex situated at Eziukwu Junction by Factory Road. The man customized his car plate number with his nickname JahPriest.
According to the neighbors who share the same wing of the complex with the man (JahPriest) he was last seen on Tuesday when he entered his office with a woman who should be in her late forties or early fifties. They all share the same major entrance on that floor of the complex. From their records, the man and the woman didn’t leave the office at the close of business on that Tuesday.
Nobody suspected that anything untoward may have happened to either of them until yesterday (Friday 17th June 2022) when an offensive odor covered that end of the complex. Even those on the second floor and Fourth floor were perceiving that offensive odor When his neighbors couldn’t bear the smell, they were forced to close early yesterday by the smell. The caretaker was notified about this strange smell for him to take action.
Yours sincerely at the close of work yesterday, I had to seize my breath while coming down the stairs. My office is on the 4th floor. I put a call across to the caretaker notifying them of the smell. He promised to involve the police as the man’s phone is switched off. The caretaker was able to get across to the man’s wife after making a series of phone calls today. Together both of them went to Area Command to make entry. Two Policemen from the area command came with them to the complex. The Policemen broke the door of the man’s office, and lo and behold a man and a woman were lying in that office. At first, both bodies looked lifeless but a closer look revealed that they were still alive. Having not eaten for days he was looking very weak and frail when he was brought out.
The man did what surprised everyone who was upstairs at the time he was brought out from the office he requested a bottle of chilled Coke. One will wonder why the man who is still conscious didn’t make any effort to be rescued but rather chose to stay with a decomposing corpse.
The truth is that no one can ascertain what exactly led to the woman’s death as both of them were still dressed up at the time the man was rescued and the woman’s corpse evacuated from the building.
N/B In one of the videos the person shouting Thank you Jesus is the man’s wife.
© Rowland Alozie