February 23, 2025

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Epilepsy is the fourth most common neurological disorder is the world. It is a brain disorder that causes recurring, unprovoked seizures.

What are seizures?

Seizures are sudden surges of abnormal and excessive electrical activity in your brain

Seizures change the way messages are sent from brain cells. It causes temporal abnormalities in movement, behaviors and state of awareness.

They’re 2 types of seizures; – Focal seizures – Generalized seizures Focal seizures are also called partial seizures because they

start in one part of the brain. Generalized seizures start in one part and spread to the other, they can also affect both parts simultaneously. Not every seizure is considered epileptic.

Seizures can be provoked(non-epileptic) and unprovoked (epileptic) Provoked seizures can be due to; – Head injury or brain trauma – Acute illness – High fever(seen in kids) – Abnormal blood glucose level – Withdrawal from drugs or alcohol – Certain medications. Treatment for this type of seizure focuses on the underlying cause.

Unprovoked seizures on the other hand are idiopathic; without cause. They may be triggered by brain disorders such as stroke or tumor. Having one seizure doesn’t make you epileptic, it is characterized by multiple seizures.

What are the signs you’re about to have a seizure? You may feel an aura which includes; – Abnormal tastes or smell – Butterflies in your stomach – A feeling of déjà vu – An intense feeling a seizure is about to start. Most seizures are brief, lasting 1-2 minutes. When seizures occur repeatedly, it’s called status epilepticus.

Status epilepticus is a medical emergency and should be rushed to the hospital. You know this when the seizure lasts for at least 5minutes. Seizures are not some sort of supernatural phenomenon. It is simply a sudden disruption in the brain’s electrical activity.

What do you do when someone is convulsing right in front of you?

– Don’t try to hold them down or stop the movements.

– Don’t put anything in their mouth, not spoons, not anything.

– Place them on their side, this would keep their airway clear

– Don’t give CPR or mouth to mouth breaths.

– Don’t give water or food till the person is fully functional.

– Put something flat under the person’s head.

– Clear the area of anything sharp

– Loosen ties or anything that’d make it difficult to breathe.

_Time the seizure

Seizures usually resolve on their own. You just need to stay calm and reassure the person when it’s over.

In the case of repeated seizure or a seizure that lasts for 5 minutes, rush to a nearby hospital. Seizures can have serious complications Loss of consciousness can lead to injury and breaking of bones. If seizures are not well controlled, quality of life is substantially reduced. Some even die suddenly for no reason.

It’s important to get evaluated by a doctor for recurrent seizures or even if you’re experiencing it for the first time. Was this information helpful? Please follow

@zizelle_for more.

This article was solely written by @Pharm. Oluoma on X platform formerly twitter.

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