March 28, 2025

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Angel and Soma Apex two love birds who met in the Big brother Naija show and became a ship have been fazed with a triangle situation. The ship has been all over the timeline after their stay in the big brother house and has been open and expressive about their feelings to the public!!

But few months ago Soma’s ex has come out to accuse soma of physical abuse and also trying to get back with her after she has moved on with her life!! she recently came on twitter to say her own side of the story which has been a hidden secret for a very long time. she claimed she has moved on! she narrated how she was been tied up and beaten by soma whose family especially mother came to plead with her to forgive and not speak up!! she finally posted on her twitter space few hours ago saying

”This might be a long thread. Left to me, I couldn’t care less about the narratives being told. I don’t owe anyone an explanation, and I hate people being in my business. But for the sake of my family and friends, I’ll put this out here.

I’ve been done with Somadina Anyama for the longest and seized communication since July but, he again reached out to me in August when he was being dragged on twitter ,accusing me of being “responsible or behind it”.
At some point, we were in contact because of his nonstop stalking (my colleagues in the office can attest to this), incessant pleas, and constant calls that escalated into possessive and aggressive behavior after the show.
I blame myself even more for not speaking up sooner or letting those who wanted to address the issue take action at the time. I tried to keep everything off social media to avoid making it just another “gist.”
Since last year’s show, I don’t think I’ve caught a break from his fans, shippers, family members, or Somadina himself. This morning, I woke up to tags on Twitter about a “stolen bracelet or cat collar.” God, please!
’m just going to put these questions out here for you all to ask him. Ask Somadina Anyama how the “stolen bracelet” got to me in the first place. Ask him what happened at my house in late April this year—how he drugged me, hit me, tied me up
and smashed my phone—knowing he’d instilled fear in me over the years and thought that I wouldn’t speak up one day, Ask him why my mom had to call his mother to give both her and her son a stern warning in July after I finally opened up about everything,

including the harassment calls from his mom. Ask him why he keeps lying to everyone, putting on a two-faced mask of innocence. The list is endless! I’ve kept quiet this long and moved on with my life, so please, you all , direct your attention to

@soma_apex and leave me alone. And as for Quincy, I’m not staying silent anymore. If you’re going to lie for Somadina, at least be think properly about it and construct your lies and intentionally misleading people. You know everything that’s been happening, yet you’d rather keep quiet than tell the truth. You were there the night Somadina rough-handled me, pushed my head against a wall, bruising my lips, and you begged me to forgive him. You were there when his mom held a family meeting with one of his female cousin,telling me not to speak up, to cover for him so as not to tarnish his name. Do not lie about me or call me something I’m not. I am no longer the quiet, timid girl you intimidated all this while. Get the help you need and tell everyone that is associated with you to leave me alone. I may not have all the evidences right now cause, you deleted them from my phone but soon.”
Angel on the other hand on x space shared the harassment she has been getting from Hilda and her friends since August….(1) Facebook
she said hilda and her friends has been harassing her, calling her on phone etc Angel says  she understands that she is hurt, but doesn’t know why she is using her as collateral or trying to get her vendetta on her for no reason….she clearly stated on the space that she is in a good mental helath space and has nothing to do with that person {soma} anymore!!!
Soma is yet to say anything about the unfolding event of two women fighting over him!!

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