A small protest that started at the parliament has turned out to be a huge protest of 40,000 people, recall that muktv reported how the New Zealand’s parliament was interrupted on Thursday when Māori MPs performed a haka to disrupt a vote on a controversial bill that proposes to change the way in which a 184-year-old treaty between the British Crown and Māori people is interpreted.
Ans just yesterday, More than 40,000 people have peacefully protested outside New Zealand’s parliament in support of Māori rights.
“They are trying to take our rights away.”
Demonstrators were opposing a controversial bill seeking to reinterpret the country’s founding document between British colonisers and Māori people.
The Treaty Principles bill argues that New Zealand should reinterpret and legally define the principles of the 1840 Treaty of Waitangi, a document seen as fundamental to the country’s race relations.
Many critics see it as an attempt to take rights away from Māori people.
But supporters of the change say the treaty no longer reflects a multicultural society.