March 26, 2025

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Jamb clarifies Nigerians on why jamb exam expires after a year while the west african examination council exam Waec is forever!!
Nigerians who had always questioned the relevancy of the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board Exam [jamb] once again remined the board that said exam should have no expiring date just like waec and neco.
@kemkempatriot quickly gave a response to the answer saying”

examination is a selection examination while WAEC @waecnigeria

NECO are achievement examinations, meaning you have achieved the cumulative of six years work. With WAEC and NECO grade(s) are calculated cumulatively for the years of studies in secondary school. Unlike JAMB whose mandate is to rank, for the purpose of admission. Similar to a recruitment examination exercise . Understood now ? #KemKem

The official handle of jamb quickly reposted her response validating it and confirming that what she said is indeed the reason why jamb exam has an expiring date!!

This response was quickly kicked down with the fact that waec and neco are not cumulative scores of secondary school exams but a one time score from the exams ….@paoloagiliga posted” With WAEC and NECO grade(s) are calculated cumulatively for the years of studies in secondary school.” This statement is wrong as grades are not calculated cumulatively for six years of secondary school. The grades are given in a one time exam not earned through the years.


We are yet to get a press release or statement from the boards regarding these discrepancies…


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