March 13, 2025

Sharing is caring!

By Ikenda Clinton Elechi

By the time he got back from the Stadium where his inauguration held,
many appointments had already been made for him

Already appointed where his Kitchen & other domestic Staff, driver & other personal Staff up to his Chief Security Officer

His Stomach and Life having been firmly secured within their hold, they moved to other areas

A Camp Commandant was also appointed alongside full security contingent already kept for him (most of whom weren’t familiar with his)

The chain had further been fastened

Then they to the level of Government,
several other appointments had also been made

A Cousin of his predecessor was already appointed as his Chief of Staff (the first to see him in the morning and last to see him at night)

If you think that’s all, then you’re wrong

Then the Commissioners

He had no say in how most of them emerged

Ofcourse, many served in the previous administration and had their localities elsewhere

I don’t know of any Governor who wouldn’t be choked by such level of chaining

It’s not like it’s the first time someone would be helping another become Governor

Even the chainer himself had been helped

Interestingly, those who helped the chainer allowed him freedom of decision

But the chainer being whom he is, built firmly walled Chain around the helped

Let me make it clear

Another Cousin of the helper was made Speaker of the Assembly he would work with

Then at the Party level, two relatives of the Helper were made Chairmen of the two dominant Parties existing in the State

The helper’s plan was clear

He was to just answer a Governor with the control of his own Government elsewhere

Again, I don’t know which of us would accept this situation

Then the helper’s Boys had no respect for him

They called him small Boy, Mugu & sundry names

It was the norm to disrespect him

This Governor was in chains and ought to enjoy it

But he dared for his freedom

Today, whatever the situation, the point has been established that he can’t be pushed the way they thought

It’s still a Work-in-Progress….

Sharing is caring!

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