Reports indicate that a joint security team successfully eliminated six kidnappers at Tukuba Forest...
In a breakthrough operation spanning seven states, the Kano State Police Command successfully dismantled...
A policeman attached to the Imo State Police Command, Cosmas Ugwu, has been shot...
A tragic incident unfolded on Christmas Eve in Aduma ward, Mkpani, Cross River, as...
The Lagos State Police Command has announced the arrest of Johnson Ogunsanya, a 31-year-old...
In a shocking incident near Delhi, India, a husband, identified as Dharamveer, reportedly beheaded...
The Imo State Police Command has arrested a suspected commander of the proscribed Indigenous...
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un warned Pyongyang will not hesitate to launch a...
Mohammed Ibrahim, a 19-year-old resident of Sabon-Layi in Bauchi State, is in police custody...
Rights organizations said that Iran executed a woman on Wednesday who had been found...