In a heartbreaking incident in Florida, a dispute over Christmas presents turned fatal as...
In a shocking incident near Delhi, India, a husband, identified as Dharamveer, reportedly beheaded...
Ukrainian Orthodox Christians have made a historic change by adopting December 25 as their...
Hafize Gaye Erkan, the new head of Turkey’s central bank, revealed her struggle with...
At a village meeting in Ukraine, chaos erupted when local councillor Serhii Batryn allegedly...
A Turkish lawmaker, Hasan Bitmez, from the Islamist Saadet Partisi (Felicity Party), has passed...
A UK judge ruled on Friday that Prince Harry was a victim of phone...
Hasan Bitmez, a Turkish lawmaker, suffered a collapse while addressing Parliament, just moments after...
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, visibly emotional, addressed a large gathering of women at...
Morag, an imposing Highland cow with a caramel coat, ambles out of the main...